About us

Welcome to Manana Creative Productions, where passion for art, design, and engineering converges. Manana Creative Productions is the brainchild of our founder Naresh Modhipalli. We are a team of local artists, focusing on quality and crafting thoughtfully and this venture allows us to merge creativity with precision. Here, each creation reflects our dedication to pushing boundaries and inspiring imagination. Join us on this dynamic journey where innovation takes centre stage and our artistic vision comes to life.

"Quality is not an act, it is a habit."

This profound quote from Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance encapsulates the essence of the book's exploration into the concept of quality, which we strive to achieve. It emphasizes that quality is not a one-time action, but rather a habitual way of approaching life. By cultivating a mindset focused on excellence and attention to detail, we can transcend the mere surface level of things and uncover the deeper meaning behind them. Whether it be in our relationships, work, or creative pursuits, embracing quality as a way of being allows us to fully engage with the present moment and find fulfillment in the pursuit of excellence. It reminds us that by consistently striving for quality, we can transform our lives and find purpose in the smallest of actions.

Meet our team

Naresh Modhipalli


Sherlly Han

Ceramic Artist / Interdisciplinary Designer